We offer blocks, dimensions, massive wood plates, big and small tree slabs and suitable wood for carving, turning and crative hobbies.
The diversity of colours, structures and the special characteristics of the different exotic and domestic timber will impress you. Good quality burl, fiddleback or rustic pieces.
Blocs for wood turners, wood designers, knife- and bow builders, jewelery designers, carving, furniture design.
Click here to download our turning wood delivery programm.
Explore a huge selection in our online shop and place orders fast and easy:
Single pieces for musical instrument builders, bow builders and knife builders or large quantities. You will find the perfect fit for your wood project.
Dimensions for all purposes:
Musical instrument building, turning wood pieces, wood art, hobby, bow- and knife building.
Explore a huge selection in our online shop and place orders fast and easy:
Fruits, nuts and cones for turning, table decoration or hobby handcrafts.
Some seed structure look amazing, once they are proceed and polished to rings, earrings and jewelery or intarsia.
For detailed information click here to get to the online shop:
African Brich
Anogeissus leiocarpa
Pouteria campechiana
Central America
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Max Cropp GmbH & Co KG
Großmoorring 10
DE 21079 Hamburg
+ 49 (0) 40 766 235-0
Montag bis Donnerstag:
08.00 - 17.00 Uhr
08.00 - 16.00 Uhr
Einzelhandelsbereich (Hausnr. 9b) im Lager Hamburg zusätzlich an folgenden Samstagen von 9.00 - 12.00 Uhr geöffnet:
- 12.04.2025
- 10.05.2025